Consentua Roadmap

Consentua Roadmap now on Trello

The Consentua team is pleased to publish the Consentua Roadmap.

We wanted to improve customer trust in our brand by sharing upcoming developments. Our brand ethos is always to be as open and transparent as possible.

We invite suggestions, comments and votes for promoting changes on the existing cards. As well as suggestions for new functions and enhancements that you need to make Consentua the best tool for your needs.

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How it works

Each release of Consentua is based on a ‘build’. We give the build an obscure mammal names so we know which release we are working on.

Candidate improvements, including those from your suggestions, are added to cards that have been allocated a target build.

We have outlined plans our next release, Dugong. The focus for Dugong is the Consent Receipt. However, plans are always subject to change especially when driven by customer demands.

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Vote with your thumbs

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The intention is to have the majority of future functional changes driven by customer demand. This seems much better than sitting back at Consentua HQ thinking we know best.

Of course, sometimes we will be selfish and promote a change that benefits Consentua, but only because that change will benefit the majority through improved performance, security, resilience or function.

To that end we ask our followers and users to help us prioritise the next functions and vote with your thumbs.

Understand the Key

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We have colour coded the cards to give readers an understanding of where the change will impact and who it will benefit. What is interesting here is that we are shifting from an engineering driven set of changes to more customer driven changes. May that long continue!

Consentua Roadmap

To check out the Consentua Roadmap go to this link:

Or you can let us know how we can improve this process using the comments below!

Chris Cooper

Co-creator of Consentua our new GDPR consent service. Principal of KnowNowCities SmartCities experts. Chief innovator & co-founder of KnowNow Information.

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