Introducing Consentua

Consentua is a consent management platform. It gives individuals choice and control over how their personal data is used, helps organisations to achieve and demonstrate data protection compliance, and builds trust between service providers and their customers.

Consentua Lock

Organisations deploy Consentua within their own applications via some easy to use APIs to capture the consent of their own users. Individuals use Consentua enabled mobile apps to manage the consents they have given.

The laws around consent are changing. Consentua gives organisations the ability to keep ahead of these changes and provide a fully audited history of their personal data consent transactions.

How it works

Thanks for reading.

Chris Cooper

Co-creator of Consentua our new GDPR consent service. Principal of KnowNowCities SmartCities experts. Chief innovator & co-founder of KnowNow Information.

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